I am Yvette Hammond and I am a certified Tao Healing Hands Practitioner. I am also a Quan Yin Lineage Holder and licensed to give Crown Chakra blessings.   


I have always been intrigued by different healing modalities and in 2008 I joined a group of healers in Brighton offering  healing to members of the  public. This is the first time I recall my spiritual channels opening and being aware of images and I also started receiving messages.


About this time a medium told me I should try psychometry which was not something I had heard of or understood. (Psychometry is reading the energy of a physical object).


My immediate reaction was to say that I would not be able to do that. The medium handed me his watch and asked me what I could see. I was immediately transported to the River Thames. I could see a barge making its way up the Thames and I could also see cranes along the side of the Thames. As the barge passed the cranes they were dipping their jibs. 


I was astounded at the clarity of what I saw and told the medium. He said that he had been a crane operator and the barge was carrying the coffin of Winston Churchill. As the barge passed the cranes the operators dipped their jibs as a mark of respect. Since that time I do psychometry for friends and family. 


Following on from this I did several years of research into alternative therapies and healing techniques and in 2020 I joined the Power of Eight 2020 Intention Masterclass .

When individuals in a group focus their intention together on a single target, a powerful collective dynamic emerges that can heal longstanding conditions. This works for physical conditions, relationships and much more. There are 100's of fascinating case studies about the power of intention. 


From this we formed a UK Intention group doing weekly intentions for healing etc. Our group is still running and we have had many  stories from those requesting healing or help in any way and that they have benefitted following their intention session. 


In 2021  I came across Master Zhi Gang Sha for the first time.   


Master Sha is truly one of the most unique people on the planet at this time.  He has a special connection with universal oneness or Tao. 


I started online events at the Master Sha London Tao Centre and started to learn the power of soul and how to align your Soul, Heart, Mind and Body which in Quantum Physics is Information, Energy and Matter. 


From the time I first came across Master Sha my life has totally transformed. It is like being on a rocket ship of discovery. When I heard of the incredible power of Tao Healing Hands I signed up immediately to learn the deep wisdom and start offering blessings.


The power of the Tao is beyond words and every part of you changes. Physically and mentally you are a different person. Master Sha teaches that all the issues we have, whether they be mental, physical, emotional are blockages in our Soul, Heart, Mind and Body (Our Shen, Qi, Jing).  To release blockages we must do Forgiveness Practice. These blockages will build up over many lifetimes.  


Master Sha's book Greatest Forgiveness was a number 1 New York Times best seller and is invaluable to help you remove these blockages. Tao Healing Hands Practitioners offer blessings and guidance to help you.


Tao Healing Hands are a unique spiritual light transmission that carry a high-level Oneness field, frequency and vibration, with Oneness love, forgiveness, compassion and light.


Tao Healing Hands offer blessings to transform negative fields, frequency and vibration to positive fields, frequency and vibration. 


The unique healing power of Tao Healing Hands can send pure Tao Source frequency, vibration, information, energy and matter directly to the root cause – the information in the soul.


The Tao Hands Practitioner has the unique ability to offer soul-level healings to transform  the following :


Health issues

Emotional body - anxiety, worry, anger, fear, sadness, grief etc.

Mental body - negative thoughts, negative mind, negative attitudes

Spiritual body

Boost energy, stamina, vitality and immunity





    If you would like to receive a Tao Healing Hands Blessing either remotely or in person 


    You will also learn the power of Tao calligraphy  for healing which is a revolutionary healing art based on an ancient form of one-stroke calligraphy (Yi Bi Zi). 


    Tao Healing Hands Blessings are by honour fee of £85.00.  One session lasts approximately one hour and includes the Tao Hands Blessing and methods to transform the body.


    *The honour fee is for an exchange of virtue, an exchange of service with heaven. 


    For business and finance blessings the honour fee will be according to reading.